In regard to the previous research achievements, the research and development of floating production system in South China Sea, the extremely shallow water walking type platform and extremely shallow draft ship forms are described. 在科研成果方面着重叙述了南中国海浮式生产系统、极浅海步行座底式钻井平台以及超浅吃水船型的开发。
At present, the main platforms that can be used for deepwater oil and gas exploitation are FPSO ( Floating Production Storage and Offloading system), Semi-submersible, Spar Platform and Tension Leg Platform ( TLP). 目前,适用于深海油气开采的平台类型主要有:FPSO、半潜式平台、立柱式平台和张力腿平台。
Nowadays, the mainstream platforms used in deep water around the world include Floating Production Storage and Offloading System, Semi-submersible, Tension Leg Platform and Spar platform. 当今世界范围内用于深水油气开发的平台类型主要包括浮式生产储油系统、半潜式平台、张力腿平台以及Spar平台。
When flexible pipes are used as risers the upper connection of the riser to the floating production platform is highly affected by cyclic operational loadings and is recognized as one of the most vulnerable parts to failure from excessive bending or from accumulation of fatigue damage. 当用作海洋立管时,其与浮式平台的连接部位由于受到动力载荷的作用,极易发生过度弯曲或疲劳失效。